Michelle Wolins Paints New West Line Village Mural
We are proud of our new mural to welcome visitors passing by the bike path and transit and those coming into our community. Michelle was selected through a call for artist submissions in conjunction with 40 West Arts. She was chosen by a panel that was comprised of owners, 40 West Arts and neighborhood organization representatives. Here is her visions for the wall:
After reviewing the site, the long, horizontal dimensions of the wall, and taking into consideration the rich history of the Two Creeks neighborhood, the concept of a timeline was a natural direction. Depicting what lies underground is a whimsical, playful motif for a retaining wall. Beginning on the left with elements that speak to the area’s agricultural history, the design transitions to represent a healthy, vibrant community of plants and flowers. On the far right, the underground elements compose into a bird and take flight. Incorporating the ArtLine bright orange, blue, and green connect the wall to the other elements of the area.